Tracy Golbourne

Self-proclaimed Game Changer Tracy Goulbourne is a wife, mother and the CEO and Head Mixtress of Fortify’d Naturals. Fortify’d Naturals is a cruelty free, certified vegan, and nontoxic natural hair brand that uses True Hydration Technology, a term the founder created to describe the brand's hydration process which consists of using natural ingredients whose molecules are small enough to penetrate the structure of the hair strand. With a background in finance, cosmetology, and nursing, Goulbourne has created products that would improve her own and others experiences with hair products. After searching high and low for the ideal products, Tracy was left displeased and determined to make a difference. She used her nursing and cosmetology skills to determine what ingredients would create moisturizing, hydrating, and non-toxic products perfect for any curl pattern or hair porosity. After mixing ingredients and testing on herself, family and friends, Fortify’d Naturals was born.